Louis Roederer Cristal Champagne
12% | 750ml
The House of Louis Roederer cuv’ees come from patient work, expertise, and understanding the grapes grown in Champagne soil. Louis Roederer tended his vineyards carefully to understand their unique characteristics and the importance of tending to the soil. One of the last great, independent, family-run Champagne houses.
Produced only on those years the Chardonnay (40%) and Pinot noir (60%) grapes have attained perfect maturity, Cristal is aged six years and left for a further 8 months after d’egorgement. The result is a Champagne with a silky texture, fruit aromas, and powerful minerality, It also keeps exceptionally well and can be stored for 20 years without losing character.
- Bottle Size
- Vintage
- Colour
- Dry / Sweet
- Country
- Grapes
- Region
- Producer
- Wine Style
- Wine Type