13% | 750ml
Musar Jeune White is an unoaked blend of Viognier, Vermentino, Chardonnay from youthful Bekaa Valley vines. Crisp and aromatic, this eclectic blend of French and Italian varieties has its own distinct personality – passionfruit, apples, elderflowers – and a dry, refreshing finish.
Made from the fruit of Viognier, Vermentino and Chardonnay vines planted since 2000 at around 1,000m above sea level in the Bekaa Valley. Musar Jeune White is fermented in cement-lined vats and released a year after the harvest. No need to decant; enjoy chilled (12°C) with grilled fish, herb-scented roast chicken, seafood salads and spicy oriental dishes. To keep the wines showing at their best, bottles must be cellared in darkness, lying on their sides and not subjected to unnecessary movement or fluctuations in temperature.
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- Dry / Sweet
- Grapes
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Chateau Musar was established by Gaston Hochar in 1930 in an 18th century castle in Ghazir, Lebanon- a country with a rich wine heritage. It is still run as a small and passionate family business today, now in its third generation producing iconic natural wines.